Jekyll is a great tool that will build a full blog site using text files written in a specific format. It gives you the bonus of having a very light and quick site that can't be hacked through script vulnerabilities. The downside of this is that it's not always easy to edit. It's harder still when using a mobile device.
This is where WordPress comes in. WordPress can be used to modify the posts (both standard posts and pages) and these changes will automatically be exported. The same applies for taxonomies and users if desired. This means that it is possible to edit content using a mobile device and the WordPress app.
WordPress2Jekyll attempts to marry these two systems together in order to make a quick, secure website that can be easily managed from all devices.
What can it do?
- Exports posts and pages with all the information Jekyll needs to build a page including categories and tags.
- Converts page content to Markdown format (assumes it is HTML).
- Has option to use the Wordpress Permalinks patterns rather than using the configured Jekyll method.
- Ability to allow WordPress to run content through the_content filter to allow plugins to interact with the body content.
- Automatically builds individual pages (or full build) depending on what has changed in the post.
- Configurable assets, data and posts directories.
- Ability to export meta data in posts.
- Export authors.
- Export taxonomies.
- On demand mass export.
Installing this module is simple enough:
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
- Use the Settings->WordPress2Jekyll screen to configure the plugin. This Jekyll path must point to an existing Jekyll site directory. If you're using it for testing purposes then make sure the assets, data and posts directories exist. It will complain if it doesn't find them.
- Use Tools->Jekyll to perform a full export of the current content as defined in the settings.
- Fixed an issue where the options page would error if a taxonomy wasn't selected.
- Fixed issue relating to the default settings not being set correctly after plugin activation or upgrade.
- Fixed an issue regarding the check for Jekyll returning a false positive.
Fixing versioning issue.
- Added a more comprehensive settings pages.
- Added ability to export post meta information.
- Added ability to export users. (Experimental - format may change)
- Added ability to export taxonomies. (Experimental - format may change)
- A few bug fixes.