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WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce

开发者 wpclever
更新时间 2025年2月21日 16:19
捐献地址: 去捐款
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce component kits wpc composite


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WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce is a quintessential plugin for every online shop out there that based their business on WooCommerce platform. This powerful tool can make your sales skyrocket and increase your business’s online visibility. By creating a comprehensive deal of various products, this plugin acts as a kit-builder which allows cross-selling of various product types. Customers can build a whole computer from a list of variable parts or get an amazing deal of awesome components. Indeed, a tool that should not be missed for any online store. Live demo Visit our live demo here to see how this plugin works. Basics to create a composite product Features Premium Version Not what you needed? Please try other plugins from us:


  1. Please make sure that you installed WooCommerce
  2. Go to plugins in your dashboard and select "Add New"
  3. Search for "WPC Composite Products", Install & Activate it
  4. Now when you create/edit a product you can choose product data is "Composite product", then add many components as you want
  5. Almost done! click Save and see the result


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