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wpCMSdev Portfolio Post Type

开发者 wpcmsdev
更新时间 2014年9月24日 20:50
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


portfolio cms post-type




This plugin will enable a "Portfolio" custom post type. The reason this is implemented as a separate plugin is so that your portfolio items are not tied to the theme. If you switch themes, your portfolio items will still be available. This plugin had been designed specificially for use in our own line of business WordPress themes, but should still function with any theme. If you're not using the plugin in a wpCMSdev theme, you may need to modify your theme's template files for best results.


In wpCMSdev themes, this plugin can be automatically installed and activated by the theme. Click on the notification in your dashboard, or go to Appearance > Required Plugins. To install it manually, go to Plugins > Add New in your WordPress dashboard, search for the plugin's name, install and activate. Or you can upload the plugin files via FTP to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your server, then go to the Plugins menu to activate it.

