Finally, an easy way to add Movies and TV Shows to your website for all the internet to see!
Check out a
working demo here.
UPDATE: WordPress Film List Premium version is now available! Receive all of the features of the free version you see here, plus:
- Add your Amazon Affiliate ID to each Movie & TV Show you display
- Display famous and entertaining movie quotes
- Rate each title with 1-5 review stars and display the rating for all to see
- Save time by Bulk-Editing all of your entries
- Set the default sorting option site-wide
- Display Cast and Crew images and information for every entry
Get all of the awesome functionality of the free version, plus the features listed above
right now for just $5 Dollars! That's only 2 cups of coffee! Check it out at!
How does WPFilmList work?
Simply plug in the name of a Movie or TV Show and let WordPress Film List scour the internet for all information possible about the title, including:
- Poster Images
- Trailers
- Season Images/Additional Images
- Official Links
- Descriptions
- Genres & Runtimes
- Release Dates & Production Companies
- Seasons & Episodes
- Budget & Revenue
- Status & Original Titles
- Links to Amazon Video, Best Buy, & iTunes
WPFilmList allows you to record your own thoughts and opinions on each Movie & TV Show for all your visitors to see!
Some additional features include:
- Multiple ‘Libraries’ for different pages and purposes on your site
- Search by Title
- Display an entry in your Footer or Sidebar with the WPFilmList Widget
- Download & Backup your entire library to an Excel spreadsheet
- Display Amazon links in the body of a page or post with the [showfilmcover] shortcode
- Track how many Movies you’ve added
- Track how many TV Shows you’ve added
- Social media links for sharing your titles
Be sure to check out the
new StylePaks feature for WPFilmList. For just $2, you can drastically change the look and feel of WPFilmList to suite your own tastes!
Check em’ out here.
Try out
WordPress Film List right now!
Also, If you love books like I do, then be sure to check out
another plugin of mine, WPBookList!
Like video games do ya? Then be sure to check out
a third plugin of mine, WPGameList!