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Translate WordPress with wpLingua - Automatic, editable, SEO friendly

开发者 wpr0ck
更新时间 2024年4月15日 14:12
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


translate language translation localization multilingual


1.1.1 1.20.1 1.1.0 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.2.2 1.2.3


An all-in-one solution that makes your websites multilingual and translate them automatically, without word or page limits. The highlights: ✓ a free first language ✓ an on-page visual editor for editing translations ✓ a customizable language switcher ✓ search engine optimization (SEO) ✓ no coding knowledge needed ✓ self-hosted data ✓ open source, find wpLingua on GitHub ✓ and more! 🔥 One free target language With our complimentary offer, wpLingua empowers you to introduce your website to a broader audience in a new language. While the free version supports translation into a single target language, we set no boundaries on the number of words you can translate. Whether your site has a hundred pages or just a few, you can seamlessly make it accessible in the language you desire. 🪄 Streamlined Setup Process Dive into a hassle-free multilingual experience with wpLingua. Forget about complex configurations and the intimidating world of coding. All you need to get started is to request your complimentary API key. Once you do, we'll promptly send it straight to your inbox. It's as straightforward as that! Our commitment is to make multilingual capabilities accessible and effortless for every WordPress user. Let us take care of the technicalities while you focus on creating captivating content for your global audience. 🚀 Optimized for international search engines (SEO) When you use wpLingua on your website, all elements of your content - even those that are invisible - are translated. wpLingua is "SEO-Friendly" because it takes care of translating: ✓ Meta Title tags ✓ Meta Description tags ✓ Hreflang alternative links ✓ Meta tags for social networks (Twitter X, OpenGraph Facebook...) ✓ ALT attributes of images ✓ And more. By optimizing indexing, we ensure that your translated pages are not only understood by your audience, but are also easily found by search engines. ✍️ Tailor-made translations at your fingertips with our On-Page Editor Although wpLingua gives you the convenience of machine translations, we understand the nuances of each language. wpLingua offers a canvas in which you can refine each translation so that it resonates with your unique voice and your brand message adapted to the cultural and contextual expectations of your audience. Experience the fusion of automation and the personal touch with our visual on-page editor. 🎨 Fully customizable language switcher The wpLingua language selector is fully customizable. You can display the language switcher in two ways: ✓ Automatic insertion via predefined positions ✓ Use of a shortcode to display it wherever you want You can also control the appearance of the language switcher using: ✓ Switcher styles (dropdown, inline, block...) ✓ Predefined themes (light, dark, chameleon, etc.) ✓ Configurable language names (translated name, original name, language ID, etc.) ✓ Flag shapes (round, rectangle, wavy) ✓ Language-based flag choices or import your own flag images ✓ Adding custom CSS in a dedicated insert With all these customization options, there's no way your site's language selector will look like any other! 📖 Translation rules by dictionary The dictionary allows you to define translation rules that apply when generating machine translations. You can specify words or sets of words that should never be translated, or define how they should be translated for each language. 🧭 Intuitive possibilities to exclude certain translations Navigate the complexities of website translation with wpLingua's intelligent exclusion feature. Want to preserve specific sections of a page in its original language? Our system seamlessly allows you to pinpoint and exclude translations using CSS selectors. If entire pages need to remain untouched, effortlessly exclude them by their URL. All of this can be managed with ease through our user-friendly exclusions manager. With wpLingua, you're always in command of what gets translated and what doesn't, ensuring your site's essence remains intact. ⚡️ The wpLingua API The wpLingua plugin relies on our own wpLingua API, an integrated third-party service, to provide its machine translation functionality. The call to this Third Party Service (wpLingua API) is made when creating an API key from the plugin, during API key verification and when your site requests a new automatic translation (new texts discovered on a page web or request automatic translations from the translation edition). We invite you to consult our Terms & Conditions page for more information.


  1. Download the plugin zip file and install it via the WordPress interface, or upload it directly to your plugins directory.
  2. Activate wpLingua from your plugins page.
  3. Navigate to the wpLingua settings to get your free API key and to set up your language preferences.
  4. Start translating your content!


  • Easily configure your language switcher design with predefined options.
  • You can choose which flag to display by language or import a custom flag.
  • Once the plugin is downloaded, installed and activated, register your API key.
  • As soon as your API key has been registered, your site is multilingual. This option screen allows you to configure your languages and their flags, as well as activate the functionalities.
  • Customizing the language switcher, enable or disable auto-insertion + choose position or use the shortcode.
  • Define translation rules that apply when generating machine translations.
  • You have the possibility to exclude pages or parts of pages.
  • If you need, you can edit a translation directly from your pages using our visual editor.
  • You can access the list of translations present on a page, including those which are not directly visible (Meta SEO, texts, alternative images, title attributes, etc.)
  • All translations are stored on your WordPress site.
  • You can edit all translations for each languages.


1.0.0 First release. Be sure to set up your preferences after installation.


What languages are available for translation?

For the moment the available languages are:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish
If you need a language, let us know using the contact form available on our website, we add languages as we go.

What languages are available in the plugin administration?

At the moment, the plugin is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. If you want to help us translate it into more languages, don't hesitate!

Is it compatible with page builders?

Yes, wpLingua is designed to work seamlessly with most popular page builders.

How it works?

wpLingua intercepts page content and analyzes HTML and JS code. It discovers all texts, translates them and makes the pages multilingual. This approach ensures compatibility with most themes, plugins and page builders such as Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi…

Is it possible to edit translations manually?

Of course ! Simply activate the translation editor on the page to make your changes.

What is the translated word limit?

wpLingua does not limit the translation of the number of words.

Is wpLingua compatible with WordPress Multisite?

No, wpLingua is not compatible with WordPress Multisite

Is wpLingua compatible with caching plugins?

Quite ! And it's even recommended to cache your pages and translations to improve site loading and performance.

Is there a Gutenberg block or Divi/Elementor widget to easily display the language switcher?

No, not at the moment but in the meantime, you can easily display the language switcher wherever you want using our shortcode provided for this purpose. Simply copy and paste this shortcode where you want: [wplng_switcher]


1.2.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2.0 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0.5 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0.0