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WPMobile Apps

开发者 MarceloMuriel
更新时间 2015年7月3日 03:33
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


mobile mobile plugin iphone android smartphone ipad mobile theme


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2


WPMobile Apps lets you create a mobile experience with built-in Apps and Mobile themes. The plugin comes with a theme named Mobilissimo that is exclusively for mobile devices (i.e. tablets, smartphones). The plugin comes with four Apps to ease the access to information for your mobile visitors, they are located in a toolbar at the bottom of the screen. These Apps are: The use of the mobile theme is optional, you might want to use your current theme that supports mobile (e.g. responsive theme). In such case you just need to choose while in Theme Activation section. The Apps can also be used in Desktop mode (e.g. laptops, PCs), there is an option for it. In the case you only want the mobile theme, it is also possible to disable the Apps.


  1. Download the plugin, unzip its content and place the WPMobileApps directory inside your\ /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the the WordPress administration.
  3. Choose the theme to use for mobile devices (tablet, handheld) in the 'Theme Activation' submenu of the plugin (below Settings).
  4. Configure the Apps individually. You can as well disable all of them or enable them also for Desktop. ** IMPORTANT **
To test the Apps and the mobile theme in a desktop browser (e.g. Chrome), you can append ?theme=tablet or ?theme=handheld to the URL of your site. For example, if you are running your site on localhost, it would be http://localhost/?theme=tablet. To switch back to your current theme, reset it by using ?theme=active to clean the cookie.


  • Apps and Mobilissimo (mobile theme) in mobile view. This is how your site would look just after the
  • Apps with your default theme. This is how it looks if the Apps are enabled also for Desktop. Or, if
  • The general settings of WPMobile Apps.
  • The Call Us App settings.


In future upgrades, all the plugin files are suceptible to be modified or replaced. Therefore, apply your custom styles in the file for this purpose. All future Apps, will be added under the /apps directory, where each directory is an isolated app.


How to test the plugin in a browser like Chrome?

You can append ?theme=tablet or ?theme=handheld to the URL of your site, for example http://localhost/?theme=tablet. This will display the mobile version (setting a cookie). You will need to put ?theme=active to switch back to your current theme or simply delete your cookies.

How to disable the mobile theme?

In the Theme Activation submenu of the plugin, choose the theme you want to use for mobile devices (i.e. tablet, smartphone). You can use your current theme for example.

How to disable the Apps?

In the general settings of the Apps configuration, choose to disable the Apps. This will not load them on your website at all.

How to use the Apps also in desktop browsers such as Chrome?

Check the enable Apps in desktop option in the Apps configuration panel.

How to change the CSS styles?

There is a file for this /core/css/app-panel-custom.css. Apply your custom styles there. For example to change the toolbar height: #bottomtoolbar{height: 100px;} Please not that this file is loaded after the plugin styles, thus it should override existing styles.

Does the plugin delete all its data on uninstall?

The plugin removes all its data in the wp_options table that start with the wpmob_ prefix.


1.0.1 1.0 Beta