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开发者 hazardcell
更新时间 2010年5月28日 12:38
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.6


multi-site wordpress mu


0.1.1 0.1


A newer version for WP3.0 is in the works. I would have loved to release it on time for the release of 3.0 but I'm having my finals at the moment so it will have to wait until June 2010. Will include single sign-on as well. This plugin is for WordPress MU This plugin basically allows you to host blogs on multiple domain names while maintaining one main site. For example, the main site could be but users will also be able to sign up for blogs on, or any other domain name that you choose to add. Alternatively, if you would like to request a feature and/or report a bug, please visit the forum or the trac repository. You will have to login with your username and password to access these.


  1. Create a new directory in /wp-content/plugins/ called yamm.
  2. Upload yet-another-multi-site-manager.php & yamm-signup.php into the directory you just created
  3. Upload sunrise.php to /wp-content/. If there already is a sunrise.php file there you will have to merge the two files.
  4. Edit wp-config.php and uncomment the SUNRISE definition line: define( 'SUNRISE', 'on' );
  5. As the site admin activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress MU.
  6. Go to 'Site Admin->Yet Another Multi-Site Manager' and add domain names/change the signup page slug.
NOTE: If you are using the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin, use dm-sunrise.php instead. You will have to rename it sunrise.php once you have moved it to /wp-content/.


0.1.1 0.1