YouLikeShare QRCode allows you to easily create qrcode image using shortcode on post or page. It support the following qrcode type
- text
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello"]
- url
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="url" text=""]
- sms
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="sms" text="12345678"]
- phone
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="phone" text="12345678]
- email
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="email" text=""]
Optional attributes you may have for this plugin
You may use any combinations of the below attributes in the shortcode. Default value will be automatically applied if leave undefined.
- alt - image alternate text
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" alt="hello qrcode"]
- ecl - qrcode error correction level. Valid values: L (Low), M (Medium), Q (Quartile), H (High)
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" ecl="H"]
- pixel - pixel size of qrcode (1 to 10)
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" pixel="4"]
- forecolor - foreground color in hex value, e.g, #000000
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" forecolor="#000000"]
- backcolor - background color in hex value, e.g, #ffffff
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" backcolor="#ffffff"]
- align - image align. Valid values: left, right, center (center only applicable for inline=false)
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" align="left"]
- inline - whether the image shall be inlined. Valid values: true, false
[youlikeshare-qrcode type="text" text="hello" inline="true"]
Please visit for details.