Insert a zaption video lesson into your site using a shortcode. An lesson id attribute is required. Adding a type attribute and setting it to modal will give you the popup version. Using the modal version will add a javascript file to your site hosted from
iFrame Embed - This code will display the lesson in a traditional iFrame. One thing to note is that the sidebar of the Zaption player requires a width of at least 980px.
JavaScript Modal - This will display a thumbnail of the lesson and the lesson will open in a modal over the page. This is a great option if you have a narrow page that does not allow for the full width of the iFrame.
- iframe embed:
[zap id=56788f32338960ab1a1e83ac]
- modal embed:
[zap id=56788f32338960ab1a1e83ac type=modal]
Don't just watch, LEARN!