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Zara 4 Image Compression

开发者 Zara 4
更新时间 2019年3月13日 10:14
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


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Optimise and compress your images automatically with Zara 4. By optimising, resizing and compressing photographs on your website, you can dramatically reduce the amount of data visitors to your website download. Less data to download equals faster loading pages, reduced bandwidth usage and less storage space on your servers. Zara 4 combines intelligent image optimisation and enhanced compression techniques to deliver images that display faster. 产品特点 开始
  1. Install the Zara 4 WordPress plugin into your site.
  2. Register your free account at
  3. Obtain your account API credentials to connect you to Zara 4.
  4. Copy your API credentials into the Zara 4 settings page on your WordPress.
Plans and Pricing Get started with Zara 4 for free! Simply install the plugin and register now. We offer various pricing plans suitable for all users big or small. Need more? If you are likely to process more than 6000 images per month, contact us for a customised quote. We can provide maintained dedicated servers to meet your needs. Worried about privacy? We also provide maintained "on site" servers that can run from inside your internal network. Contact us for more information. Contact us If you have any problems / questions please contact us at and we'll do our best to help. Any feedback or suggestions for improvement / feature requests are always welcome.


Manual Installation
  1. Download the Zara 4 plugin.
  2. Upload the zara-4 folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress.
  3. Activate the Zara 4 plugin from the 'Plugins' page in WordPress.
  4. Register your free account at and obtain your API credentials.
  5. Enter your API credentials on your WordPress under 'Settings -> Zara 4'
  6. New images will be automatically optimised, or optimise existing images from your Media Library.


  • This screenshot shows the WordPress Media Library with the two columns added by Zara 4. From here you can optimise and restore individual images.
  • This screenshot shows the Zara 4 Settings page. From here you can enter your API credentials


Can I try Zara 4 for free?

You can optimise up to 15MB of images for free every month. You simply need to register for a free account and enter your account API credentials in your WordPress under 'Settings -> Zara 4'.

How do I get my API credentials?

You must register a Zara 4 account and then obtain your API credentials here.

Is there an image file size limit?

Zara 4 can process images up to 16MB in size.

Can I get my original images back?

Yes. Simply go to your WordPress Media Library and you can restore your original images individually. Please note this will delete the optimised versions of the image.

What happen if I uninstall the Zara 4 plugin?

All of the images you have optimised will remain optimised and won't be changed. If you want to restore an image to it's original you will need to reinstall the Zara 4 plugin.

Can I select which thumbnails are optimised?

Yes, you can choose exactly which thumbnails are optimised from the 'Settings -> Zara 4' page. Simply select the image sizes you want to be optimised by checking the associated tick box. Zara 4 also supports custom thumbnail sizes.

Does Zara 4 automatically optimise new images I upload? Can I turn this off?

Zara 4 will automatically optimise new images you upload to WordPress including selected thumbnails. You can turn automatic optimisation on/off from the 'Settings -> Zara 4' page.

I can't find the Zara 4 options in my Media Library

Ensure that the Zara 4 plugin has been installed and the plugin is active. In your Media Library ensure you have selected 'List View' instead of thumbnail view. Each image will have two additional columns containing the original file size and Zara 4 optimisation settings for that image.

How do I find out how many images I processed this month?

Your image processing usage is shown as a graph on the 'Settings -> Zara 4' page.

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