Zidithemes jumbotron is designed to improve the layout of client jumbotrons, team, profile and works with the
Gutenberg editor. This custom block is designed to display jumbotrons. It has options to add an image, description and name. The Zidithemes jumbotron is a superb solution for creating jumbotrons.
Note: This plugin requires the Gutenberg plugin active.
- Upload 'Zidithemes jumbotron' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
- Within a post or page, select the '+' symbol to add a new block.
- From the 'Blocks' tab, select the 'zidithemes jumbotron' block.
- Add header text, lead description.
- Within the 'Zidithemes Jumbotron Color' section on the right, adjust the color.
- Within the 'Zidithemes Jumbotron Settings' section on the right, adjust the font size.