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ZigZag Delivery for WooCommerce

开发者 parallaxltd
更新时间 2024年9月8日 21:41
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5.3
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shipping delivery zigzag zig zag זיגזג זיג זג זיג-זג משלוחים שליחים שליחויות


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Integrates ZigZag Delivery systems with woocommerce. allows you the create delivery from orders, you can create one by one or in bulk. The plugin supports printing delivery notes in 2 sizes: A4 and letter. When creating delivery from the inner order page you can select the delivery type: regular, double or collect. In addition to those 3 types there is also support for "same day delivery".


  1. Install using the WordPress built-in Plugin installer, or Extract the zip file and drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. You will now see a new option in the admin side menu called "ZigZag Delivery", press on it.
  4. Fill in your username and password that you got from ZigZag, if you want to enable same day shipping you will have to fill in another set of username and password.
  5. Fill in your company details, choose paper size for delivery notes, if you are not using the dedicated zigzag shipping method please mark the setting under advanced - Enable for all orders.
  6. Go to Woocommerce > Orders.
  7. Press the 'Create Delivery' button in the ZigZag Delivery column.
  8. If needed press the 'Print Label' button to print the delivery note.


  • Woocommerce orders page with zigzag delivery column
  • woocommerce order page with zigzag delivery metabox
  • woocommerce order page with zigzag delivery metabox - after pressing create shipping


Where do i get my username and password?

Please contact ZigZag delivery support to receive your username and password.

How to enable "same day delivery"?

Same day delivery uses a separate username\password as well as separate ZigZag account, please contact ZigZag delivery support to receive those details.

How to create deliveries in bulk?

Go to order page, check the orders you wish to create delivery for, on the bulk actions selector select "ZigZag - Create Delivery", then press the "Apply" button.


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