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开发者 ziltag
更新时间 2017年2月8日 22:02
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.4
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


plugin photo photos comments tags image gallery tag images community comment discuss discussion disqus comment system discuz




There are so many interesting things happened on a photo, but there isn’t a single way to directly discuss them on the spot. Therefore, in order to achieve visual discussion, here is Ziltag Wordpress Pugin, a JavaScript plugin that turns every image on your website into a discussion board. You and your readers can comment on any spot on any image, where discussion should really happen. Ziltag is the discussion board on images and it connects everyone with everything happens in images. It presents contents directly on images with tags (red blinking dots) that users can click to read and join the conversation immediately, and turns every image on the website into individual message board that users can write, collaborate, showcase, or share contents with others. Watch our intro video Having problem or suggestion? Want to experience Ziltag on your website? Try our demo


Step 1. Sign up for Ziltag
  1. Visit and click “Get it now” to sign up.
  2. Confirm your email account.
  3. Copy your Plugin Token from
Step 2. Install Ziltag Wordpress Plugin
  1. Visit “Plugins” > “Add New”.
  2. Search for “Ziltag” and install it. (Optional: download the .zip plugin file and upload it to your Wordpress)
  3. Activate Ziltag from your Plugins page.
Step 3. Final setup Once activated, enter/paste your Plugin Token and save changes.