Linux 软件免费装
Plugin Name
This is a simple, single purpose plugin to flush the APC cache.
APC Clear Cache
This is a simple, single purpose plugin to clear the APC cache.
WP Version Remover
?ver Remover! Remove wp version param from any enqueued styles & scripts files.
WP Blast | SEO & Performance Booster
Improve your Wordpress SEO and performance by using dynamic rendering. Prerender your website and generate an easy-to-crawl version of your website.
PWA for WP & AMP
PWA plugin is bringing the power of the Progressive Web Apps to the WP & AMP to take the user experience to the next level.
站长帮 - WordPress CDN 管理插件
插件功能:为 WordPress 网站添加自动管理 CDN 缓存的功能。在发布或更新文章、发表评论或评论被审批后自动刷新/预缓存相关 URL 的 CDN 缓存,目前仅支持腾讯云 CDN,未来将支持更多 CDN 服务商。 插件作者:
WP Avoid Slow
WP Avoid Slow - Add .htaccess tricks to boost your WP Blog Speed.
aMiSTACX PageSpeed Redis Caching Purge
aMiSTACX PageSpeed Redis Caching Flush is a simplistic cache purge for Apache PageSpeed and Redis. Additionally, a URL purge is provided for PageSpeed.
WP Prevent CSS Cache
WordPress plugin to prevent caching your stylesheet during development
A plugin that properly enables Wordpress in a high available, cluster environment using Memcache with File caching failover.
Cache SEO Speed
Tool for optimization, caching and minification, accelerates the loading of pages with focus on performance analyzers
LSD Simple Cache
WPGraphQL Smart Cache
WP Plugin Cache
WP Plugin Cache provides a file caching facility for any plugin that wishes to interface with it.
Reduce Unused CSS Solution with Critical CSS For WP
Would you like to contribute?
You may now contribute to this Critical CSS For WP plugin on Github:
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Native Performance
Improve the performance of your WordPress: Reduce load times, solve common errors and more using the Native Performance plugin.
Hummingbird Performance - Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript | CDN
Optimize PageSpeed Performance & Core Web Vitals, Advanced Cache, Minify CSS & JavaScript, Inline Critical CSS, Defer CSS & JS, Smush & Lazy Load, CDN