Linux 软件免费装
Analyse Uploads
Find, analyse, and remove unused media library uploads.
Automatic Facebook Cache Cleaner
No more outdated post/page info when sharing on Facebook. Our plugin makes sure that Facebook's cache always has the most up to date details.
Auto Slug Cleaner
Automatic clean post slug with define your words
Code Cleaner
Code Cleaner cleans and optimizes WordPress code for improved website performance and faster page load times.
Clean Up Booster - Database Optimizer & Login Security
Clean Up Booster allows you to optimize wordpress and delete obsolete data from database along with performing vast login security functions.
minify html - jesus
Minify HTML output for clean looking markup and faster downloading.
MK Postmeta Cleaner
MK Postmeta Cleaner is a advanced clean postmeta tables trash.
WP Head Cleanup
WP Head Cleanup helps you to remove unnecessary extra links from the page header.
Automatic SPAM Eraser
The plugin is adding a new WP-Cron event which automatically removes all spam comments older than 7 days.
Mighty media cleaner
Find the image files which have not been used within a post or page and displays them for deletion from both your uploads directory.
Nietzsche - WP Head Cleaner
This plugin cleans up the wp_head() and removes unnecessary code.
Pembersih URL/Link
Plugin ini akan menghilangkan seluruh plugin yang ada di post/artikel anda yang ditampilkan. Anda bisa mengatur kategori, atau post mana saja yang ingin dikecualian atau dimasukkan dalam proses.
Plugin Name
Scan Upload par JM Créa, scan your wp-upload folder and automatically detect suspicious files.
Upload Directory Cleaner
The UDC plugin allows you to scan and delete all unregistered files from your Wordpress upload directory.
Reset Wordpress
Resets the Wordpress database to the fresh wordpress installation. Delets all contents and custom changes. It will resets only database.
Optimize Database and Clean Up Plugin by Clean Up Optimizer
Clean Up Optimizer is a rapid WordPress Database Cleaner and Optimizer Plugin for WordPress sites and blogs.
WPS Cleaner
WPS Cleaner cleans your WordPress site as well as your database.
WS Header Cleaner
WS Header Cleaner plugin clean unusable links from header & footer.
Advanced Dashboard Cleaner for WordPress
Advanced Dashboard Cleaner plugin is the best way to ensure that your dashboard interior stays clean and looking good.
WPXP Clean Navigation Links