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Quran Radio
Quran Radio plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to add a widget that plays an online Radio station for the translation of the Quran.
Islamic Content Archive For Dawah Skills
Your Online Source of information about Da`wah
Islamic Archive For Islam and Hinduism
Your Way to a Better Understanding of Islam.
Get Data
By using Get Data Plugin, you can get content by URL and insert data in header or footer.
Convert 相关数据
This plugin produce for you code is array of categories and posts.
Quran Gateway
Display the Quran or its translation in different languages either verse by verse or whole surah along with audio streaming.
WhatsApp Button
By using WhatsApp Button Plugin, you can add a share button for WhatsApp into posts/pages.
Islamic Books by EDC
The Islamic Books by EDC endeavors to be a unique online store of free downloadable PDF books about Islam & other faiths in different languages
Author Details
This plugin displays the author details at the end of the post.
Islam for Christians Archive
Islam for Christians: Your way to a better understanding of the true message of prophet Jesus.
Islamic Content Archive For Learn the Quran
A professional platform to recite the Quran correctly
Islamic Content Archive For Muslim e-Library
Our Comprehensive Muslim e-Library endeavors to be a unique comprehensive online store of free downloadable PDF books about Islam and other faiths.
Special Folder
This plugin will help editors create special folders on specific topics or events. You need just to insert the IDs of posts.
Islamic Archive For New Muslims
New Muslims aspires to be a unique interactive and informative online resource about Islam for new Muslims as well as potential converts
Islamic Content Archive For The Faith
Your Way to Understand Islam.
Islamic Content Archive For Truth Seeker
Does God Exist?, Creation or Evolution?
Islamic Archive For Prayer In Islam
Prayer In Islam | Your step-by-step easy Prayer Guide
Quran Translations
Quran Translations plugin is the first WordPress plugin that allows you to display a playlist for the translations of the meaning of the Quran.