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WP Feed Plugin
Control what content will be seen by your feed readers. Send unique content to your feed readers by using this plugin.
Anonymise Feeds
For occasions where you don't want to name a post author in the RSS feeds.
Arne Feed
Show Last posts of Arneweb in your dashboard
Apple - News, rumors & reviews
Enables a highly configurable widget which shows a specified number of recent Apple news, rumors and/or reviews.
Awesome Twitter Feeds
ATFeeds is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display custom Twitter feeds
JSON Feed (jsonfeed.org)
Adds feeds in JSON Feed format.
Alle News
Avatars for Comment Feeds
This plugin will add avatars of comment-authors to the comment-feeds of your WordPress-Blog.
BestPrice.gr XML Feed for WooCommerce
Generate an XML according to
XML feed specs
avecdo for WooCommerce
Connect your WooCommerce shop with avecdo.
Feedburner Circulation
Returns your Feedburner Circulation Count. Reduces the Feedburner API calls by updating hourly and serving a database cached result in between.
Plugin Name
== Description == = The #1 Internet Search Plugin on WordPress = Fast (Global CDN), secure (True SSL, TLS, & PFS), easy to use, and mobile optimized
Automotive Feed Importer
Import Vehicle Inventory from XML feed into database for Automotiv Theme.
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
ASPL Feedback System
ASPL Feedback system makes it easier-than-ever for increase customer communication.
BP Lotsa Feeds
Gives your BuddyPress installation lotsa feeds.
DOGO Content Widget
A widget to display thumbnails and titles of the latest DOGOnews, DOGObooks, and DOGOmovies reviews via RSS.
Social Bookmarking
An easy to used plugin and insert a set of social share links at the bottom or in the top of each post, focused on technical blogs.
Alan's BBC Technolgy News RSS Widget
This plug-in adds a very simple RSS feed from the BBC technology news section.
Bloglovin Widget
A Bloglovin' Widget for WordPress which automatically displays your total follower count.