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WP Feed Plugin
Control what content will be seen by your feed readers. Send unique content to your feed readers by using this plugin.
Feedburner Circulation
Returns your Feedburner Circulation Count. Reduces the Feedburner API calls by updating hourly and serving a database cached result in between.
A intenção do plugin é ajudar na divulgação dos posts e aumentar o número de assinantes de feed.
ChillThemes Widgets
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.
Plugin Name
Automatically prompt subsription message to promote and make visitor subscribe your feed every they post a new comment
Elegant Subscription Popup
Email Subscription Box After Post Content
Email Subscription Box After Post Content helps to insert a feed burner email subscription box after every post.
Plugin Name
Insert Feedburner SiteStats code (without Feeds Flare) for a speed boost
Feed Stats for WordPress
A plugin that seamlessly integrates detailed FeedBurner stats into your WordPress blog's dashboard.
Buzzsprout Podcasting
Pull podcast episodes from your Buzzsprout account and quickly add them to your blog posts with beautiful HTML5 audio players.
Plugin Name
This plug-in redirect reqests to the main or comment feed of the blog to Feedburner or a similar service.
Ozh' Better Feed
Enhance feed items with anything: ads, copyright, "Add to delicious", "Read More (400 words)" links...
RSS Feed Icon
Easily and safely add a RSS feed icon to any place (post content, page content, widget, sidebar, header, footer) of your WordPress website.
Redirects all feeds to an
feed and enables realtime feed updates.
Primary Feedburner
Redirect your website feeds to feedburner.
PR Checker
PR Checker makes link list building easier than ever.
WP Subscribe
WP Subscribe is a simple but powerful subscription plugin which supports MailChimp, Aweber and Feedburner.
Plugin Name
Redirects all RSS feed queries to your FeedBlitz feed, enabling consistent RSS subscriber tracking, and enables RSS monetization via FeedBlitz's optional ad network.
WordPress Blog Vitals
Simple WordPress Stats Plugin to show Google Page Rank, Alexa rank, Twitter follower, Number of Posts, Feedburner count etc. to your visitors.