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Jinx Fast-Cache is a blazing fast full page cache for WordPress, written for developers. The goal was to create a caching plugin without the overhead in the WordPress backend. It will work with URLs, not PIDs.
A simple and easy to use plugin to create fullscreen scrolling websites (also known as single page websites or onepage sites). It allows the creation of fullscreen scrolling websites, as well as adding some landscape sliders inside the sections of the site.
Change your WordPress website to a Fullscreen Scrolling one using fullPage.js
An amazing new look for WooCommerce Shop, with click to filter and product gallery slider.
Lightweight background slider for your website. Just upload images and they will rotate on your site background.
Webyx for Gutenberg it's a simple way to create amazing fullpage full screen scrollable websites in WordPress with Gutenberg editor.
Webyx for Elementor is a simple way to create amazing fullpage full screen scrollable websites in WordPress with Elementor builder.
A new revolution for WordPress forms and surveys that enables you to create forms similar to Typeform. Quill Forms is the best WordPress form plugin that focuses on having better UI/UX for forms.