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Web Performance, Simplified -- it's what we do. If you have limited-to-no web performance optimization experience, or want to consoldate all of your site's web performance plugins into a single plugin, then Pegasaas Accelerator WP is the plugin for you. Designed to automatically optimize your WordPress pages and posts for Web Performance and Google PageSpeed, Pegasaas Accelerator WP leverages the power of the Pegasaas web performance API to deliver cutting edge web performance optimizations, that work in harmony with one another, without requiring you to know a thing about web performance optimization.
Redpic JS&CSS Optimizer combine CSS and JS files from theme and installed plugins using optimal algorithm to speedup rendering and page load.
Remove query strings from static resources like CSS & JS files in wordpress websites and blogs.
Easy WordPress website Speed & Performance optimization with one click!
WordPress optimization plugin that enables jQuery image lazy loading.
Every second of delay can reduce conversion rates with 20%. That's why we built this tool - so you can make sure you get every conversion you can.
Plugin "WP Optimize Speed By xTraffic" speed up WordPress site and increase website's Google PageSpeed Insights point.