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Maha Salat Times
Simple way to add your Masjids Salat Times on your Wordpress website.
Azkaar English
This plugin displays a random supplication (Arabic + Translation) from Qur'an / Sunnah.
Banga Al Quraner Bani
Randomly Display Bangla meaning from Holy Al Quran .
Plugin Name
Bu eklenti, Peygamber efendimiz (S.A.V)'in hadis-i şeriflerinde geçen duaları rastgele göstermektedir.
Nafeza Prayer Time
Nafeza Prayer Time for shows prayer times for Muslims.
Islamic Library
Islamic Library plugin contains books, articles, fatwa, videos, quran, poster, cards, apps, MP3, download, news and torrent in more than 130 languages
Plugin Name
افزونه ای برای زیارت آنلاین مرقد مطهر حضرت علی بن موسی الرضاالمرتضی(علیه السلام) == Installation ==
Islamic Phrases
Add Islamic Phrases to your article
Masjid Iqamah Timings
This plugin is retired. Please use "Mosque Prayer Timings" plugin instead.
Display random SMS testimony of the 13 innocence shia.The language of the random sms is persian.
Mosque Prayer Timings
A plugin for Mosques' websites. It helps publish Adhan+Iqamah timings of daily prayers, and Khutba+Iqamah timings of Friday prayers at Masjid.
MasjidNow Prayer Timings for Mosques
Daily and monthly adhan and iqamah timings from
on your mosque page!
Prayer Times Anywhere
Display daily prayer beginning time based on current location of visitor.
Radio Islam Indonesia
Widget radio-radio streaming di Indonesia yang mendukung untuk di semua browser dan juga di SmartPhone.
Quran verse a day
Display a random verse from the Holy Quran in Bangla or English.
Salah World - Prayer and iQamah Timings for Masjids
Displays daily and monthly prayer and iqamah timings for your Masjid. Notify user when iqamah timings will change!
TM Islamic Helper
PrayTimes � Powerful WordPress plugin for customize muslims prayer times. It is possible to choose the methods of calculation, adjust the times or fill the times yourself.
The Random Hadith Widget
A widget that displays a random hadith
The Random Quranic Verse Widget
A widget that displays a random Quranic verse