Linux 软件免费装
Plugin Name
Adds shortcodes that display data from iOS and Mac AppStore applications.
Plugin Name
This Plugin automatically makes an Affilate Link out of every iTunes Link in your Blog
Podcast Box - Best Podcasting Plugin for WordPress
Podcast Box is all in one solution that provides an easy way to show and play your podcast episodes. You can easily create a worldwide podcasts directory website of 5000+ podcasts.
iCafe VPP Manager
iCafe VPP Manager automates many of the tasks associated with managing Apple's Volume Purchase Program.
Plugin Name
This plugin is a simple plugin to generate widgets highlighting top products available on Apple iTunes Store.
Global iTMS Links
This plugin strips the country code from links to releases on the iTunes Music Store
Plugin Name
Import iOS app information into your posts, including icon and screenshots.
Plugin Name
Add Movie Trailers and Game Trailers to your site or create your own IMDB site
Plugin Name
iOS Smart App Banner For Safari plugin quickly and easily displays app banners for your web users who are using mobile Safari on iOS.
Knd.ly Charity Links
- Because there's no "I" in kindness.
Last.fm iTunes Mashup
A plugin for Wordpress that displays your most recent and top ten tracks with links to purchase from iTunes Music Store.
Master Link
Create links that link to multiple storefronts. Great for music or software that is sold on many digital storefronts
Seriously Simple Podcasting
Podcasting the way it's meant to be. No mess, no fuss - just you and your content taking over the world.
Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget
Add follow me social buttons. Uses font icons, ready for Retina Display.
Subscription Options
Adds subscription option icons for your RSS Feed; your FeedBurner Email Service; your Twitter Stream and your Facebook page. Totally user-defined.
UpCast is a plugin that allows the customised display of podcasts (RSS) with special enhancements for podcasts from the
podcasting platform.
Widget iTunes Feed
PowerPress Podcasting plugin by Blubrry
No. 1 Podcasting plugin for WordPress.
Audio Player by Clammr
Audio Player that makes your content shareable & viral. Listeners share highlights to Facebook & Twitter with link back to your full audio.
Appreplica Social Icons
Appreplica Social Icons lets you add icons for all the popular social networking sites to your posts, page and widgets.