Linux 软件免费装
C4D Youtube
Plugin Name
Switch between languages with ease using xili-language plugin. Displaying only the posts in the set language.
Plugin Name
Help your visitor translate other comments to their language
JM Buddy Translate
Quick and easy translate BuddyPress and bbPress messages or any selected text.
Localize WordPress
Easily switch to any localization from GlotPress
Simple , minimalistic plugin that lets you set different locale for frontend and backend.
Local Time
Displays post and comment date and times in the visitor's timezone using Javascript. Heavily based on code from the P2 theme.
A straight-forward multilingual plugin. No more double-digit custom DB tables or hidden HTML comments that could cause you headaches later on.
Add More Body Classes
Body tag with more classes such as locale and page slug.
Plugin Name
Select site locale/language according to user preference (set in their browser).
Language Fallback
Set a language as a fallback for the chosen language (e.g. "Deutsch" as a fallback for "Deutsch (Sie)")
Plugin Name
Generate unique disposable contact addresses for each visitor.
Per Post Language
This plugin allows the user to set the blog language per post or page while having a default blog language.
WooCommerce (nl) (alternative)
This WordPress plugin extends the WooCommerce plugin with the Dutch translation. It uses the informal je-form instead of formal u-form.
Admin Locale
This plugin allows you to change the language of the admin panel without changing the whole site language.
JSM User Locale Selector
Add a quick and easy user locale / language selector in the WordPress admin back-end and front-end toolbar menus.
WPSSO User Locale Selector
Quick and easy locale / language / region selector for the WordPress admin toolbar.
Locale Auto Switch
Automatically switch the locale according to the locale of the browser.