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page load
Implements a late caching mechanism for the built-in WordPress RSS parser.
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Easily update WordPress transients in the background via AJAX to increase site speed and avoid long page load times. Hoeboe can be especially helpful with caching of large external API calls or heavy internal database queries.
Wordpress tiniest cache plugin ever with just 2KB engine. Boost your page load time 10000 times faster, and save lots of your memory.
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Create your own unique responsive PopUps through our visual interface. Customizable. Seo Optimized. Beautiful. Easy to use. Responsive.
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Liven up WordPress page loads! Choose stylish animations to keep visitors engaged during transitions. ✨
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Image lazy load plugin to boost page load time and save bandwidth by removing all the images, background-images, responsive images, iframes and videos.
This plugin is developed to add nice preloaders on your wordpress site.
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This plugin embeds or in-lines image/css/js content into the page before it's loaded. This really improves page load speed scores, and can really improve actual load time if either the network connection is not blazingly fast, server side caching is used, or a combination of the two.
WordPress Veloce increases WordPress page load speed to get a higher score on the speed testing services like Google PageSpeed Insights, Gtmetrix, Pingdom etc.
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A minimal loading spinner for WordPress that enhances your site with app-like loading behavior.
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A very simple plugin to optimize your website by remove unused files and allow you to add page specific CSS code