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user meta
Carbon Fields
WordPress developer-friendly custom fields for post types, taxonomy terms, users, comments, widgets, options and more.
View User Metadata
A lightweight plugin that is easy to use and enables Administrators to view metadata (user meta) associated with users by clicking a toggle!
User Meta Display
Ajax powered admin page to show, edit, add, and remove user meta. Choose dropdown list by User Login, ID, or Display Name.
Get User Custom Field Values
Use widgets, shortcodes, and/or template tags to easily retrieve and display custom field values for users.
BP XProfile Shortcode
Adds Shortcode for BuddyPress XProfile data
Restrict content access using shortcodes; based on roles, capabilities, user meta, and logged in status.
WPS Cleaner
WPS Cleaner cleans your WordPress site as well as your database.
Sukellos Image Formats
Sukellos Enable Classic Editor
Sukellos Login Style
Sukellos Dashboard Bar
Sukellos Login Wrapper
User Meta Advanced
User Meta Pro add-on for advanced settings
User Meta Profile List
Adds a custom configurable meta list to a users profile display in the admin panel.
tributors: Gam
Metadata Viewer
A plugin or theme developer can view metadata by this plugin easily.
Custom User Profile Fields for User Registration & Member Frontend Profiles with Paid Memberships Pro
Create custom user profile fields collected at registration or membership checkout for your WordPress users, members, and site admins.
Extended CRM for Users Insights
Extends the CRM functionality of Users Insights - adds new management options to the user groups, user notes and custom user fields features