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Adds a link under embedded video's which allows the users to convert the video to mp3, supports: Youtube, Vimeo, Metacafe and many others
This Plugin Adds a link under embedded video's that allows to download or convert the video to mp3.
Show instagram photos, videos and content from selected channel on your blog easily. Just click get Access Token in plugin and it will show widget with your Instagram content. Drag and drop widget and show your photos. Additionally Aklamator service enables you to add your media releases, sell PR announcements, cross promote web sites using RSS feed and provide new services to your clients in digital advertising.
Show videos from youtube channel on your blog easily. Just paste one YouTube link and we will show widget with all your channel videos. Drag and drop widget and show youtube gallery. Additionally Aklamator service enables you to add your media releases, sell PR announcements, cross promote web sites using RSS feed and provide new services to your clients in digital advertising.