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Add Featured Image to RSS Feed

开发者 salzano
更新时间 2024年8月14日 04:39
PHP版本: 2.0.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


feed featured image post thumbnail add featured image to rss add featured image


1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.0 1.1.0 1.1.1


This plugin does one thing, and that thing is to add your posts' featured image to the RSS feed. It specifies the 'large' image size. Open Graph Meta Tags are also Necessary Many modern feed readers do not show the images added by this plugin. Feedly, for example, will not show images added by this plugin. Feed readers crawl article pages to find the image attached to posts in the open graph meta tag. Many SEO plugins add open graph tags for featured images. I like the ([Open Graph] plugin, too.


  1. Upload the plugin to your wp-content/plugins folder, or use the Plugins > Add New section of your dashboard to search for "Add featured image to RSS feed"
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


1.1.4 Updates documentation to suggest this plugin is not as useful as it once was, and open graph image meta tags are often required for modern feed readers to show post thumbnails. Changes tested up to version 6.6.1 1.1.3 Updates documentation to suggest this plugin is not as useful as it once was, and open graph image meta tags are often required for modern feed readers to show post thumbnails. Changes tested up to version 6.6.1 1.1.2 Changes tested up to version 6.2.0. 1.1.0 I tested this version of the plugin on WordPress 5.1.1, and it still works great. I also made it possible for other developers to manipulate the thumbnail size of the photo using a filter. 1.0 There is only one version available at this time


What does this plugin do?

This plugin adds the featured image of each post to the RSS feed content.

Where can I see the change?

In your site's RSS feed.

What if images still do not appear in RSS feed readers?

Make sure your articles have open graph image meta tags. Many modern feed readers do not show the images added by this plugin. Feedly, for example, will not show images added by this plugin. Feed readers crawl article pages to find the image attached to posts in the open graph meta tag. Many SEO plugins add open graph tags for featured images. I like the ([Open Graph] plugin, too.


1.1.4 1.1.3 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1.0 1.0