Take control with Admin Toolbox: Capture visit statistics, Two factor authentication (2FA), and admin menu controls.
Special Features
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) by email (optional SMS with PRO).
- Capture Site Visits and Chart traffic performance.
- Search posts by post meta in wp-admin.
- Limit maximum image size uploaded through the media library.
- Select roles to hide in the user editor. Limit roles that have access to other roles.
- Disable WordPress update-related notifications by role.
- Auto-blacklist brute force hits and malicious login/injection attempts (with PRO).
- Geo location blocking (with PRO).
- SQL Query Interface (with PRO).
- Zip Code Radius API (with PRO).
- Error Reporting (with PRO).
= 6.0.15 = * Error reporting functionality.
= 6.0.14 = * Compatibility with WP 6.4
= 6.0.12 = * Added configuration for admin email verification. Update to setup notification conditionals.
= 6.0.7 = * Compatibility with WP 6.3
= 6.0.6 = * wpadminbar added to hiding elements menu. Bug fixes to hiding elements.
= 6.0.5 = * Compatibility with WP 6.2
= 6.0.4 = * Bug fixes for media upload limit.
= 6.0.3 = * Minor bug fixes. Setup improvements.
= 6.0.0 = * Slimmed down options. Removed older irrelevant options and native WP options introduced in WP5-6. Added HTML item hiding and admin redirects.
= 5.3.32 = * Potential fix for wp-db deprecation bug for WP<6.1.1.
= 5.3.31 = * Abuse improvement integration with PRO.
= 5.3.30 = * 2FA login improvements and redirect cache fix.
= 5.3.28 = * Minor bug fixes
= 5.3.27 = * Compatibility with WP 5.9
= 5.3.26 = * Visual fixes to 2FA screen
= 5.3.25 = * Exclude admin and sys urls from traffic metrics
= 5.3.24 = * Meta search optimizations
= 5.3.21 = * Improve autofocus on 2FA form
= 5.3.20 = * Added IP exclusion to Security Monitoring
= 5.3.19 = * Upgrade tables to InnoDB
= 5.3.18 = * Optimizations to pagehit compression
= 5.3.16 = * Improvements to subscription verbiage
= 5.3.15 = * Compatibility with WP 5.5
= 5.3.14 = * Adaptive parameters for pagehit compression
= 5.3.12 = * WP login redirect bug fix
= 5.3.11 = * Refinements to search by post meta in wp-admin
= 5.3.10 = * Search by post meta in wp-admin
= 5.3.9 = * Accomodation for custom admin URL
= 5.3.6 = * Refinement of pagehit compression.
= 5.3.5 = * XML-RPC disable option.
= 5.3.3 = * 2FA compatibility prompt screen. Brute force protections.
= 5.3.2 = * Improved diagnostic information.
= 5.3.1 = * Simplified and consolidated code. Added Security Monitoring feature.
= 5.2.18 = * Added support for abuse checks. Consolidated 2FA code into function.
= 5.2.17 = * Fix when pagehit exclusion is turned on but exclusion var is empty.
= 5.2.14 = * Fix for menu item icon position.
= 5.2.12 = * Adjustments to environment compatibility.
= 5.2.11 = * Improvement to pagehit indexing
= 5.2.10 = * Addition of subsq field in page hit table, logic to detect brute force
= 5.2.9 = * Consolidation of backend functions, addition of blacklist option
= 5.2.8 = * Compatibility with WP 5.3
= 5.2.7 = * Improved readability of 2FA code and autofocus
= 5.2.6 = * Improved performance of compression function
= 5.2.5 = * Fixed 2FA bug to use user + ip combo
= 5.2.4 = * Fixed redirect rules to retain full URL
= 5.2.3 = * Increase batch size when compressing hit data file
= 5.2.2 = * Fixes affecting API.
= 5.2.1 = * Removal of session dependencies. Improvements to 2FA. Fixes to setup.
= 5.1.17 = * Minor updates to installation process
= 5.1.15 = * Updates to author URI
= 5.1.14 = * Fix to log users after 2FA is subsequently toggled on and off.
= 5.1.12 = * Fix to allow authenticated REST API traffic.
= 5.1.11 = * Support for geo-location targeting - ip exclusion.
= 5.1.10 = * Adjustment for Gutenberg rich-edit capabilities.
= 5.1.9 = * Menu and aesthetic improvements.
= 5.1.7 = * Fix for logged in user tracking excluded from 2Fa.
= 5.1.5 = * PHP Warning bug fixes. Adjustment to add Gutenberg pages.
= 5.1.3 = * Login redirect to exclude ajax pages.
= 5.1.2 = * PHP Warning bug fixes. 2FA improvements.
= 5.1.0 = * Dedicated first section for uninstall setting. Add text field to page hit settings to support custom rules around URL fragments.
= 5.0.19 = * Ignore robots.txt hits. Skip 2FA from previous successful login locations per user, if logging for user role is turned on. Minor appearance improvements.
= 5.0.17 = * Bug fix for page compression output.
= 5.0.15 = * Page hit exclusion and cleanup for ajax pages.
= 5.0.12 = * Remove revision limits feature due to inconsistent operation. Bug fix for hiding Other Roles dropdown. Update feature descriptions specific to Classic Editor.
= 5.0.11 = * Bug fix to monthly stat cache.
= 5.0.10 = * Accommodation for enhanced Pro features.
= 5.0.9 = * Added redirect options for URL matching and HTTPS.
= 5.0.8 = * Bug fixes to page stat caching.
= 5.0.5 = * Add caching and generation logic for traffic summary statistics.
= 5.0.3 = * Initial setup bug fixes.
= 5.0.2 = * Diagnostic checks for DB safe & strict mode. Pro features expanded. Icons and padding refined.
= 5.0.1 = * Minor configuration improvements.
= 5.0.0 = * Pro features expanded. Icons and padding refined. Support for geo-location.
= 4.9.10 = * Updates to functions and pagehit cleanup.
= 4.9.9 = * Improvements to installation stability, pagehits and upgrade option.
= 4.9.4 = * Minor bug fixes to installation and compression.
= 4.9.3 = * Minor bug fixes. New configuration option to keep data safe on uninstall.
= 4.9.0 = * Exclude ajax hits from logging. Change default heartbeat setting. Reduce duplicate page hits via transients.
= 4.8.8 = * Added indicators for path and multisite under diagnostics. Optimized compression for page hits.
= 4.8.7 = * Improved compression for page traffic records and fixed timeout issue.
= 4.8.5 = * Visual enhancements, minor bug fixes, font update. Ability to compress page traffic records.
= 4.8.0 = * Minor bug fixes compatibility with 4.9.3.
= 4.7.9 = * Resolved trigger order to deregister heartbeat, and post type logic on admin options.
= 4.7.7 = * Addition of option to hide bulk actions and hide new post buttons.
= 4.7.5 = * Added option to exclude list of IPs from 2FA.
= 4.7.3 = * Resolved 2FA email bug affecting some server configurations.
= 4.7.2 = * 2FA improvements to resend and appearance update to authorization screen.
= 4.7.1 = * Statistics query optimizations.
= 4.7.0 = * Minor appearance refinements. Compatibility with 4.9.2
= 4.6.9 = * Resolve PHP warnings when setup is incomplete.
= 4.6.8 = * 2FA emails use site settings for email sender.
= 4.6.5 = * Accommodation for servers without PHP shorthand turned on. Minor bug fix to asset file versioning.
= 4.6.3 = * Diagnostic feature addition.
= 4.6.2 = * visitor metrics interactive rollovers, css and initial setup refinements.
= 4.6.0 = * Drill down to daily visitor metrics with graphics.
= 4.5.8 = * 2FA Session handling to eliminate reprompt for token after interrupted sessions.
= 4.5.7 = * Compatibility updates with other plugins' initialization and session handling.
= 4.5.5 = * Only regenerate 2FA token when user requests
= 4.5.3 = * Image size limit initialization updates. 2FA refinements. Page hit filter bug fix.
= 4.5.0 = * Addition of Image size limit feature. 2FA compatibility with other plugins
= 4.0.2 = * Compatibility updates with custom login URLs
= 4.0.1 = * Two-factor authentication, screenshot improvements, 2FA default setting updates
= 3.0.5 = * Query optimizations, validation with WP 4.9
= 3.0.3 = * IP informational links from traffic detail, bug fixes
= 3.0.1 = * Traffic Summary Chart, general aesthetic improvements
= 2.5.6 = * Bug fixes and stability improvements, general optimizations
= 2.5.4 = * Support for non-standard login URL
= 2.5.3 = * Bug fixes to remove PHP notices
= 2.5.1 = * Addition of feature: PHP Editor Warning
= 2.3.2 = * Installation bug fixes
= 2.3.0 = * Addition of feature: Disable WPautop
= 2.2.1 = * Added survey option, refined banner img
= 2.2.0 = * Rearranged CSS on Page Hit Viewer
= 2.1.8 = * PHP warning fixes, Added user role function
= 2.1.7 = * Page Hit Viewer aesthetics & search optimization
= 2.1.2 = * Minor bug fixes
= 2.1.1 = * Page Hit Viewer filter refinements
= 2.0.9 = * Minor bug fixes
= 2.0.5 = * Page Hit Viewer: Addition of URL filter & Page Hit viewer hit-exemption
= 2.0.2 = * Page visit default settings
= 2.0.1 = * Page visit table upgrades
= 2.0.0 = * Addition of feature: page visit tracking
= 1.1.6 = * Compatibility verification with WP 4.8
= 1.1.5 = * Removed PHP warnings for array_intersect functions
= 1.1.3 = * Bug fixes for disable notices role selection
= 1.1.2 = * Bug fixes when array type parameters are empty
= 1.1.0 = * Compatibility updates to play nice with other plugins
= 1.0.6 = * Minor bug fixes
= 1.0.5 = * Added option to limit Post Revisions
= 1.0.3 = * Added option to limit WordPress Heartbeat
= 1.0.1 = * Small adjustments to descriptions and addition of is_array strict parameter
= 1.0.0 = * Basic functionality created