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Admin Tools
admin notifications, remove admin notifications, disable updates, disable wordpres updates, disable translation updates, change admin logo
Magic Content for Siteorigins Pagebuilder
WooRocks Magic Content for Siteorigins Page Builder lets you control output of content created inside Siteorigins Page Builder Rows using criterias like User has to be logged in or member of a certain role in WordPress to view the section.
Permissions Plus
A plugin to manage access of the menus in wordpress/woocommerce admin view by role. This also allows non-admin roles to create lesser users.
WordPress Restrictions
WordPress Restrictions allows you to set restrictions on when and what content can be edited/deleted on your WordPress Install.
Assign WP Roles for iThemes Exchange
Automatically assign roles to customers when they purchase certain products.
bbPress Capabilities
Advanced user capability editing, specifically for bbPress
TD Multiple Roles
This TD Multiple Roles plugin allows you to select multiple user roles to a user profile.
bbPress Participants Trash
Allows participants to trash their replies & topics.
Manages User Roles
Plugin Name
Allows filering of comments by user role. It adds checkboxes for each role above the comments allowing users to determing which comments to show.
Debug Bar Roles and Capabilities
A simple add-on for Debug Bar that tabulates all roles and capabilities
Plugin Name
Automatically give WordPress users a bbPress role of member when registering.
Eonet Frontend Publisher
Create and Edit any WordPress post type, easily with Eonet. Manage permissions as well.
Admin Only Dashboard
It allows you to restrict access to the dashboard area, ensuring that only administrators have the privilege to manage and control your site.
JaviBola Custom Theme Test
This plugin enables a custom theme when the administrator is logged for a safely testing.
Total User Count Shortcode
Display the total amount of users in your WP with the [total_user_count] shortcode plugin
Plugin Name
A simple plugin that add's the get_user_role() function to your site.
If Widget - Visibility control for Widgets
Control what widgets your site’s visitors see, with custom visibility rules
Hide Default Roles
Hide default wordpress roles for non admins.
Move User Roles
Move User Roles WordPress plugin allow site admin to change users roles easily. Move site users from one user role to another user role in two steps.