Everybody enjoys corresponding with friends, sharing photos, and posting comments. Technology has truly played a momentous role in today’s age, and it has spread to all nations. Technology has evolved significantly over time, once very simplistic, and now, highly innovative and complex. In previous years, technology was a precious commodity intended for the elite and wealthy. Now, it can be accessed by individuals of all socioe-conomic classes.
Facebook has disseminated rapidly throughout the world, and many Facebook users are highly addicted to this interface.
Facebook is widely acclaimed as one of the best online, social networking interfaces to ever grace the web. Facebook has harnessed an unparalleled level of popularity.
Using this module is very easy.
Features of Advanced Facebook Page Widget
- Can set a custom background on your facebook page display.
- Many customizable options you can ever think can possible with facebook page before.
- Highly Customizable - as well can easily make tons of changes from backend.
- Work with most of recent wordpress released versions.
- Responsive - it make sure you able to enjoy our widget on mobile devices as well.
- Two color schemes available.
Install the widget
Login to your wordpress admin - example :
go to "Plugins->Installed Plugins" from Menu
Click "Add New" - button at top
Click "Upload" - from the list
Click "Choose File" - button
a windows will open of your computer - browse file - select the package
click "Install Now"
Configuration Fields
Configuring our widget is very easy. We've put as much possible default value to help you out.
On below I will give you some idea about the configuration fields.
Basic Configuration
- Title: Title of your widget.
- Module Class Suffix: CSS class name which will added to your module as a class. You can just inspect and take the class and put your own style very easily.
- Facebook Page URL: The absolute URL of the Facebook Page that will be liked. This is a required setting.
- Width: The width of the plugin in pixels. Minimum is 292
- Height: The height of the plugin in pixels. The default height varies based on number of faces to display, and whether the stream is displayed. With stream set to true and 10 photos displayed (via show_faces) the default height is 556px. With stream and show_faces both false, the default height is 63px.
Advanced Configuration
- Background Color: Pick a background color from color chooser.
- Show Header: Yes for Show Header - No for Hide Header
- Padding: The padding of the plugin in pixels.
- Radius Size: The border radius of the plugin in pixels.
- Border Size: Size of border in pixel.
- Border Color: Pick a border color from color chooser.
- Color Scheme: Choose your prefer color scheme. Choices are Light & Dark.