This plugin allows you to enter [author_bio] anywhere within the content of a post or page to display the biography of the author of that post or page.
The output now contains HTML, which can be customised very easily with extra parameters - see Installation for a how-to - to sit around the bio, as defined in /wp-admin/profile.php.
By default the shortcode produces the author of that post or page. However, extra parameters enable you to specify a different user whose bio you want to print out - see usage instructions.
Feature requests welcomed with open arms!
Simple install in /wp-content/plugins like any other!
Simply place [author_bio] anywhere within your post/page content.
Additionally, you can pass one of the following attributes to specify a different user;
- id - accepts the user ID
- username - accepts the username
- email - accepts the user e-mail address
For example;
[author_bio] [author_bio id="4"] [author_bio username="admin"] [author_bio email=""]
You can also have the author's avatar added, by using the avatar parameter like so;
[author_bio avatar="yes"]
Warning: if you don't want the avatar, do not change the above to "no" as it will not work, simply change back to
It's possible to add the author's name, too by adding the name parameter;
[author_bio name="yes"]
Warning: As with the avatar option, leave the name parameter out completely to hide the name.
Additionally, you can make the author's name link to his/her website as defined in their profile;
[author_bio name="yes" name_link="yes"]
You can also customise the HTML output which defaults to;
... the author bio ...
There are 7 parameters that describe the HTML above;
- 'container_element' defaults to 'div' and creates the first div in the example above
- 'container_class' defaults to 'author_bio_shortcode' as seen above
- 'name_container' defaults to h3
- 'name_class' defaults to 'name'
- 'name_pre' is empty by default and can be used to add text before the author's name
- 'name_post' is empty by default and can be used to add text after the author's name
- 'avatar_container_element' defaults to 'div' and creates the element that surrounds the avatar image
- 'avatar_container_class' defaults to 'avatar' and adds itself to the 'avatar_container_element'
- 'bio_container_element' defaults to 'div' and wraps the bio text
- 'bio_container_class' defaults to 'bio' and is used in the bio container element
- 'bio_paragraph' defaults to true and decides whether to put the bio text into a Paragrah tag. Note, only a value of zero (0) will change it, e.g.
Here is an example using all the HTML parameters to re-create the above example code;
[author_bio container_element="div" container_class="author-bio-shortcode" avatar_container_element="div" avatar_container_class="avatar" bio_container_element="div" bio_container_class="bio" bio_paragraph="true"]
This example shows how to remove the P tag from around the bio text;
[author_bio bio_paragraph=0]