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Biographical Info Paragraphed
Allows HTML tags like <p> <br /> <a href="#" rel="author"> etc. in your author profiles Biographical Info field.
Author Bio Shortcode
Provides the [author_bio] shortcode for embedding the bio of an author anywhere in the post/page content.
GNTT Author bio
== Description ==
WP Author Profile Widget
Add WP Author Profile Widget with easy way.
Plugin Name
Create a special section on your website to show off contributing authors and their posts in style.
LH Multisite User Bio
Allow users in a multisite to have different biographies or descriptions on the different sites in the network
About Me 3000 widget
Add an "About Me" small resume widget to your wordpress sidebar.
Simple Author Bio
Plugin that shows the author's biography in the foot of the posts.
Weasel's HTML Bios
Disables the stripping of HTML from the user bio/description field
Tessa Authorship
Show author information on post types not depending on WordPress users for galleries, expositions, content offered for/by third parties, etc.
Member Biography
Team Members Showcase
TeamPressLite is Team showcase plugin that helps you create and display team member with many styles, layouts and anywhere via shortcodes or widget, support WPBakery Page Builder, Elementor, Site Origin ….
Individual Multisite Author
This plugin enables individual author descriptions for each single blog in a multisite network.
Visual User Description Editor
Replaces the user "Biographical Info" profile field with a TinyMCE visual editor.
Timeline and History slider
Timeline Plugin for WordPress. Easy to add and display history OR timeline for your WordPress website. Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.