Linux 软件免费装

Ban Subdomain Emails

开发者 jamiechong
更新时间 2016年4月27日 12:07
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv3


email nocaptcha spam login registration robots bot signup protect blacklist ban anti-spam register e-mail email address akismet bots protection antispam all-in-one anti-captcha spambot block spam robot spam blocker signup spam spam filter registration spam user registration spam antispambot no captcha



A lot of registration spam comes from emails with a subdomain. Spammers control a domain such as and then attempt to register on your site with emails such as and This plugin simply blocks all registrations using a subdomain. Reputable users will have a normal email address from a reasonable domain like,,,, etc. There is no configuration and no setup. It simply just works. The plugin logs all blocked registrations so you can find potential false-positives. Find a link to this log file on the Plugins page where you activate/deactivate this plugin.


1.0.0 released 2016-04-26