Linux 软件免费装
Ban Subdomain Emails
Prevent people from registering with emails that contain a subdomain to help reduce spam.
Plugin Name
Dynamic Robots.txt
Dynamic Robots.txt plugin will generate robots.txt file for your site. You can edit this file easily from the settings page.
Enigma encrypts text on demand and decrypts it on client to avoid your email address and any other sensitive content caught robots.
TeploBot - Telegram Bot for WP
TeploBot simple Telegram chatbot with green effect.
Are You a Human PlayThru Extension for Contact Form 7
PlayThru, created by Are You a Human, replaces the awful user experience of normal CAPTCHA with short and simple games.
Humans TXT
Credit the people behind your website in your humans.txt file. Easy to edit, directly within WordPress.
Plugin Name
Bloquea el spam de todo tipo de robots con un captcha que es invisible para los usuarios de tu web o blog.
Plugin Name
Light and invisible method to block auto-spam when a spam comment is posted. Pings and trackbacks check for real backlinks.
Invisible Captcha
Smart invisible captcha for wordpress comments
Block Common Crawl via robots.txt
Blocks the Common Crawl bot (CCBot) that gathers data that is used to train AI algorithms like ChatGPT through the WordPress virtual robots.txt file
LinkedIn Perfect Share
Provides precise Open Graph data to
LinkedIn for perfect sharing
Multipart robots.txt editor
Customize your site's robots.txt and include remote content to it
WooCommerce Honey Pot Anti Spam
Add honeypot anti-spam functionality to the popular woocommerce plugin.
Multisite Robots.txt Manager
A Robots.txt Manager Plugin for WordPress Multisite Networks. Quickly and easily manage all robots.txt files on a WordPress Multisite Website Network.
WP Telegram Pro
Integrate your WordPress site with Telegram
Block Feed and Comments via robots.txt
Blocks some Feed and Comment resources in order to avoid spam bots
Stop Spam Wordpress Plugin
Asks commenters to complete a simple CAPTCHA if a spam detection plugin thinks their comment is spam. Currently supports Akismet and TypePad AntiSpam.
Integrate your WordPress site with Telegram
Block eCommerce Assets via robots.txt
Blocks some WooCommerce assets and Search pages that should not be indexed through robots.txt