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Better Formats

开发者 veraxus
更新时间 2013年10月19日 02:49
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post posts admin ui usability retina post-formats


0.1 0.2 0.3


This plugin is intended to improve the usability of WordPress's built-in Post Formats feature exclusively through some key changes in design. The unhelpful list of radio buttons is replaced with with Retina-compatible icons, format titles, and brief, helpful descriptions of each format. Instead of dramatically changing the way WordPress works, Better Formats simply tries to make the existing WordPress Post Formats feature more friendly and informative. Additional user-centric improvements are planned. This initial release is intended to help spur conversation about Post Format improvements currently being considered for WordPress core.


  • **Friendly Sidebar** - With gorgeous (Retina-friendly) icons and helpful descriptions, you can finally make the most out of WordPress's post formats.
  • **Friendly Sidebar** - With gorgeous (Retina-friendly) icons and helpful descriptions, you can finally make the most out of WordPress's post formats.
  • **Friendly Sidebar** - With gorgeous (Retina-friendly) icons and helpful descriptions, you can finally make the most out of WordPress's post formats.
  • **Friendly Sidebar** - With gorgeous (Retina-friendly) icons and helpful descriptions, you can finally make the most out of WordPress's post formats.
  • **Friendly Sidebar** - With gorgeous (Retina-friendly) icons and helpful descriptions, you can finally make the most out of WordPress's post formats.


How can I make the Post Formats box smaller?

Once you're comfortable with Post Formats, you can disable the additional description text from WordPress settings. From your WordPress admin, simply go to Settings > Writing and check the box next to "Hide descriptions in the Post Format box". This will hide the extra description text and the Formats box will take up less space.


0.3 (2013.10.18) 0.2 (2013.06.03) 0.1 (2013.05.31)