Linux 软件免费装
Better Formats
Improves the UI for WordPress's built-in post formats.
Plugin Name
Tweak the wordpress admin panel to perfection
bodi0`s Password generator
Brain-free generation and usage of random sequence of numbers and/or text or special characters in password fields while creating or editing users.
Adminimize that lets you hide 'unnecessary' items from the WordPress backend
J7 Beaver Header Footer Templates
Adds a panel to the Theme Customizer to insert a Beaver Builder layout as a header/footer globally on each page.
Clean WP Admin Menu
You can make rarely used items in the admin menu hidden.
Clear Internal Search Button
Adds a button in admin area to clear text of search field for posts, pages, comments, users, media, categories, tags, plugins, and themes.
doxter widget
Add one or more doxter widgets/reviews and/or a button to your website.
Skim blog
An easy way to let users skim your pages quickly
Humanized History for WordPress
Readers with JavaScript can scroll back automagically through your entire archives, eliminating "older posts" links.
Notify your visitors when their internet connection goes down. Disable links so they don't end up with error pages.
Hidden Widget Titles
Allows widget titles to be hidden from display on the front of the website.
Quick Configuration Links
Automagically adds a "Settings" link to every active plugin on the "Plugins" page.
Hotspots Analytics - Heatmaps, User Activity & Custom Event Tracking
The most advanced analytics plugin for WordPress websites including heatmaps, user activity and custom event tracking.
Plugin Name
This plugin make readable your comments. Capitalization, good spaces between words, etc.
Neat Admin Menu
This plugin allows each WP user to customize the appearance of the admin menu, by hiding and arranging the order of the menu items.
System Usability Scale
Allow users to submit System Usability Scale's questionnaires into your website.
Ultimate plugin to help your website conversion rate: visitor recordings, live chat, heatmaps. Better woocommerce analytics. Free widget by
Pages before Posts
Lets put Pages First, in the admin menu that is.
Mouse Eye Tracking Service
This is a
7 day free trial
, to continue using beyond the trial period, login and go to the upgrade page.