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Big, Middle, and Little Endians

开发者 wonderboymusic
更新时间 2015年3月11日 05:09
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.1


permalinks date rewrite


0.1 0.3


DATES BY ENDIANNESS (http://{SITE}/{DATE}/hello-world/) Regardless of your post permastruct, date archives are generated. Post rewrites completely clobber date rewrites. Date rewrites are broken already, but even when fixed, they can be overwritten by post rewrites. This plugin fixes date archives and persists them past post overwrites - supporting every possible flavor of endian, and every logical combination of %year%, %monthnum%, %day% within them. Below is a matrix of what is possible, the things which do not work in core are marked. !!! = Doesn't work without this plugin Big Endian in both directions 2012/09/12 yyyy/mm/dd 2012/09 yyyy/mm 2012 yyyy 12 dd !!! 09/12 mm/dd !!! Reverse of Middle Endian in both directions 2012/12/09 yyyy/dd/mm 2012/09 yyyy/mm !!! ~ matches day 2012 yyyyy 09 mm !!! 12/09 dd/mm !!! Middle Endian in both directions 09/12/2012 mm/dd/yyyy 09/12 mm/dd 09 mm 2012 yyyy !!! 09/2012 mm/yyyy !!! Little Endian in both directions 12/09/2012 dd/mm/yyyy 12/09 dd/yy 12 dd 2012 yyyy !!! 09/2012 mm/yyyy !!! Translated: Year and Month archives don't work when you date format is Middle or Little Endian. Year archives work in Middle when reversed (reversed, why not), but months do not. This plugin makes all date formats work regardless of endianness.

