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BAW AutoShortener
AutoShortener can create short links in your WordPress website for your posts and pages but also for external links.
Auto URL
Auto URL generates customized permalinks according to post types, categories and tags
AskApache Password Protect
This plugin Adds Crazy Additional Password Protection and Security to your blog.
Aspexi Easy Login URL
Aspexi Easy Login URL changes your url/wp-login.php URL into your custom string i.e. url/login and more (incl. Register and Forgot password links).
Plugin Name
This plugin prevent WordPress from rewriting htaccess or web.config to prevent unintended files changes
Big, Middle, and Little Endians
Fixes rewrites for non-Big Endian date permastructs
This module is a workaround to use pretty permalinks without any rewrite rule.
Custom category and page extensions
Add any ".extension" to WordPress category and page urls.
"Decategorizer" removes 'category base' from your permalinks. Quick setup and no editing required. 301 redirections are added automatically.
DW Shortlinks
Track Inbound & Outbound Link Clicks Easily
Plugin Name
Set an alternate registration URL for a subset of users who need a different role on registration.
Filter Rewrite Rules
Filter rewrite rules for performance problems on post/pages with permalinks
Jinx Fast-Cache
Jinx Fast-Cache is a blazing fast full page cache for WordPress, written for developers. The goal was to create a caching plugin without the overhead in the WordPress backend. It will work with URLs, not PIDs.
Heat Map Tracker
Analyze your visitors via Mouse Click and Mouse Move Heat Maps!
JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect
JustAwesome WooCommerce Redirect is a WooCommerce Plugin for forwarding Users to a Page, Product or URL when they want to open the shop page.
Ozh' Simpler Login URL
Simpler Login URL:
instead of
(a Rewrite API plugin example)
Shortcode Redirect
A super easy way to automatically redirect a user to another page when viewing a post/page on your site.
WP Permalauts
Deutsche Umlaute in Permalinks von WordPress
Post types / taxonomies intersections
Mapping of image posts
Generate a mapping of image - article it belongs, by scanning all attachments.