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BuddyPress Activity Privacy

开发者 megainfo
更新时间 2015年11月27日 08:08
PHP版本: WordPress 3.4, BuddyPress 1.5 及以上
WordPress版本: WordPress 4.3.1 / BuddyPress 2.4.0


privacy buddypress private followers public stream activity visibility friends only me admins only vie privée confidentialité


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8


BuddyPress Activity Privacy plugin add a privacy level to activity stream component. The plugin add the ability for members to choose who can read his activity (Anyone, Logged In Users, My Friends, Admins Only, Only me, My Friends in Group , Group Members ...etc). What's news In Buddypress Activity Privacy 1.3.x ? Make sure to : * Set the privacy settings to OFF in rtMedia settings. * A new select-box (Privacy) is added to Edit Media form under Description Textarea. - The plugin work now on multi site Netowork. - A New privacy level (@mentioned only). When a member choose this privacy level, only mentioned members (and admin of course) can see the activity. Remark: Members mentioned in activity can see it's content whatever the privacy level. What's news In Buddypress Activity Privacy 1.x ? -The plugin is now extensible for new privacy levels !! ( Check the integration of BuddyPress Follow in bp-activity-privacy-integrations.php ).


Download and upload the plugin to your plugins folder. Then Activate the plugin. You can choose the visibility level from the select box in the Activity Post Form.


  • **Privacy for My Profile Activity** - Allow your users select a visibility level for the activity posted in the profile.
  • **Privacy for Groups Activity** - Allow your users select a visibility level for the activity posted in the group.
  • **Integration with BuddyPress Follow plugin ** - Allow your users select a visibility level (My Followers) for the activity posted in the profile.
  • **Integration with BuddyPress Follow plugin for groups ** - Allow your users select a visibility level (My Followers In Group ) for the activity posted in the group.
  • **Integration with BuddyPress Activity Plus plugin** - Allow your users select a visibility level  for the activity posted with Buddypress Activity plus.
  • **Member can update the privacy of the old activity stream (new selectbox in activity meta).


= Frequently Asked Questions =

Where to find support? Please post on the BuddyPress Activity Privacy support forum at The forums on are rarely checked. Or In GitHub


1.3.8 = 1.3.7 = 1.3.6 1.3.5 1.3.4 1.3.3 1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3 1.2.2 1.2.1 1.2 1.1.2 1.1.1 1.1 1.0.4 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0