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Category Featured Images Extended

开发者 CK MacLeod
更新时间 2017年9月8日 01:38
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8.1
版权: GPL3
版权网址: 版权信息


categories featured image thumbnail category featured image CK MacLeod



Category Featured Images Extended (CFIX) can ensure that posts, category archive pages, widgets and other elements of your site will always display a thumbnail or featured image* when called upon to do so by themes, templates, and plugins. If a featured image has been individually set for a post, it will be used. If a featured/thumbnail image has not been set for a post, CFIX will first try to supply an image from one of the post's categories or tags. It will use a Yoast SEO "Primary" Category's image if available. If no category or tag image is found, the plugin will look for a parent category with an image. Finally, if no linked or related post, category, tag, or parent category image is found, a particular fallback tag or category image can be used if set as "global fallback." This plugin was initially based on "Category Featured Images" (CFI) by Mattia Roccoberton. If you already have been using CFI, when you install this extended version, your already saved category image settings will be preserved and copied. In CFI In CFIX NOTE: IF UPGRADING FROM CATEGORY FEATURED IMAGES, DE-ACTIVATE IT TO AVOID CONFLICTS As a further precaution, do not uninstall CFI completely until you are sure that CFIX is working as expected for you. * The terms "thumbnail" and "featured" are used somewhat interchangeably in WordPress, even though many featured/thumbnail images will be displayed at much larger than thumbnail size.


  1. Install and activate the plugin
  3. Go to "Posts/Categories"
  4. Edit a category
  5. Set the category featured image
  6. Go to "Settings/Category Featured Images Extended" to set fallback options.


  • Settings Page
  • Edit Category Page
  • Posts Archive Before CFIX
  • Posts Archive After CFIX


  • First Version of the Plug-In
  • Fixes: Fixed Admin Footer Function, Fixed Installation/Uninstallation Error Message, Corrected Some Typos
  • Fixed errors preventing correct exclusion/parent image fallback in some configurations. Now also avoids "has thumbnail" false positives.
  • Fixes serious bug inadvertently created in 1.1 - so somewhat critical upgrade. (Really sorry about that!)
  • Sort order correction: REALLY use most recent category image available.
  • Added option to set tag images as well as categories. Also: significant performance improvements.
  • Removed problematic "thumbnail false positive" detection - contact developer or consult documentation if a problem.
  • Variable initialized empty ($fall_cat_id); proper js script localization
  • Avoid errors in deprecated (pre-5.5) versions of PHP.
  • Avoid PHP Warnings for illegal offset when no global fallback category has been set; tested in WP 4.7
  • Special transitional version distributed directly.
  • Can use Yoast SEO Primary category for image if available, further streamlined, tested in WP 4.8.1
  • Fixed transposition error affecting treatment of excluded categories; minor code cleanup
  • Fixed error for users employing function "tag"


  1. Why Aren't My Fallback Images Showing Up on a Few/Some/All Posts?

Assuming that you've cleared any caches that might be affecting display, and that you've properly added the relevant category images, one possibility is that your post data ("Post Metadata") was corrupted or incompletely inserted during a restore, import, or other operation, and that WordPress wrongly thinks that your posts have thumbnail or featured images when they don't really. Many relatively well-tested, widely and even very widely in use WordPress plug-ins and functions will produce this "thumbnail false positive" behavior. CFIX has been written to provide a thumbnail image even in such cases, but please contact the developer if you encounter such an outcome, as the plug-in is still new, and use cases are still being assembled. For instructions on Flushing Bad Thumbnail Data see CFIX Advanced Topics.

  1. Is CFIX causing a performance hit at my site?

CFIX WILL add some overhead, especially if your layout features large numbers of posts calling for thumbnails or featured images that have not been set, requiring the plug-in to work overtime to find fallbacks. Slowed page loads should be mitigated with proper use of good caching applications - which you ought to be using in any event, especially if utilizing image-rich multi-post displays, and depending on the plug-in to provide a large number of substitute images.


1.52 1.51 1.5 1.4 1.34 1.33 1.32 1.31 1.3 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0.1 1.0