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开发者 ChoiceCuts
更新时间 2010年10月12日 17:24
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.0.1


posts lightbox automatic content images resize extraction




ChoiceCuts Image Juggler makes all image handling a piece of cake. Stripping images, resizing to Landscape, resizing to Portrait and creating Thumbnails are all handled. A couple of lightboxes can easily be slipped into the process so as present your images in their original glory. Using the new admin screen it is now very easy to activate site wide image juggling. There are several options to choose from. For WordPress users who are not afraid to do some template customisation, the library of functions is still available to do some great things with images, very simply. The core aim of this plugin is to make the life of someone who regularly uses Wordpress a lot easier, in so far as to remove the need to do any image resizing while at the same time giving theme and template developers a tool to go way beyond the restricted, native image resize options of Wordpress. Just upload post images at full size, anywhere within the content of your post, then the plugin will take care of everything else! The plugin uses the fantastic PHP Thumbnail library by Plug-in Homepage:


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. If you intend to use the integrated lightBox, place <?php wp_head(); ?> in your template header
The PHP Thumbnail Library library requires a few particulars to work and to operate efficiently. Please take the time to review the PHP Thumbnail Library documentation extracts below, or view the full documentation at

更新日志: Bug fix Thumbnail config file Open up the image addressing to facilitate symlinks 0.8.3 Open up the image addressing to facilitate absolute paths 0.8.2 Fix a bug in the admin screen occuring from WP3.0 0.8.1 Alter plugin directory structure to make it compatable with automatic WP download/install process 0.8 Update to PHP Thumbnail v.3 Fix numerous bugs with the admin screen 0.7.1 Update the layout of the admin screen 0.7 Added an admin screen to activate image filters. No longer have to use the toolbox within your template development. 0.6.1 Add a parameter to ccImj_noImg to offer apply_filter the_content as part of the function Adjust 3rd parameter, Height, on ccImj_linkedLandscape. If passed as NULL image resize width with proportional height, rather than only offering set width/height Adjust 3rd parameter, Width, on ccImj_linkedPortrait. If passed as NULL image resize height with proportional width, rather than only offering set width/height Remove the NULL default from the Size parameter on ccImj_linkedThumb Remove the NULL default from the Size parameter on ccImj_firstThumb Remove the NULL default from the Size parameter on ccImj_cropSquareCtr Add the FILTER_LIGHTBOX constant, so lightbox integration can be controlled seperately for the FILTER FUNCTIONS Alter ccImj_linkedPortrait parameter, width, to min_width Fixed a logic error in ccImj_flexiWidth (thanx Lough) 0.5.2 Addition of ccImj_flexiWidth function, within FILTER FUNCTION section Add a $images returned conditional to prevent error within all FILTER FUNCTIONs Fix bug in ccImj_getAllImg, ['url'] was not being returned properly (thanx Stewart) Amendments made to readme.txt to improve documentation quality 0.5.1 Removal of min_height from ccImj_firstLandscape parameter list to be consistent with ccImj_firstPortrait. Function will now return a consistent width but variable, proportional height, dependant on the source image 0.5