Linux 软件免费装
Auto Describe Taxonomies
Using freebase, this plugin will auto describe tags and categories.
Auto Update Themes
No configuration needed, simply install the plugin and activate it.
Automatic Responsive Tables
Leave your tables as they are. Add this plugin, and they're all responsive.
Auto Update Plugins
No configuration needed, simply install the plugin and activate it.
Auto Generate Title
Want to save time. Do not want to write TITLE manually. This plugin is for you. No need to write the title. It will generate Post Title from your Post Content automatically
Auto Update WP
This Wordpress Plugin will automatically update his core, plugins and themes with any noticication or message.
Buffer Connector - HYPESocial
s, Share old CPT
Analytics of Google: analytics code integration on WordPress website
Plugin Name
The plugin automatically displays excerpts instead of full post contents in your blog. Custom excerpts and generated excerpts supported.
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Get new interesting quotes delivered daily to your website.
Plugin Name
== Description == = The #1 Internet Search Plugin on WordPress = Fast (Global CDN), secure (True SSL, TLS, & PFS), easy to use, and mobile optimized
Bayesian top title learner
Display links to your most 'interesting' posts, where interestingness is determined automatically by a Bayesian learning algorithm.
Ads Manager WP/BB
Easy to use Wordpress plugin to insert any Ads to your posts and BuddyPress sections.
Disable auto-update Email Notifications
This plugin performs a simple task of disabling email notifications that are sent by WordPress when a plugin or theme auto-updates.
Automatic Post Date Filler
Automatically sets custom date and time when editing posts.
Auto Login New Users
Automatically log in new users by clicking a generated one-time-use link
Auto Menu From Pages
Automatically generate a navigation menu from your page hierarchy.
Plugin Name
This plugin automatically adds HTML anchor tags to plain text links and email addresses embedded in the content of posts and pages.
Auto Post for Task Scheduler
Creates posts automatically serving as a Task Scheduler module.
Plugin Name
WARNING: THIS PLUGIN CAN BE INSECURE IF NOT USED CAUTIOUSLY. Allows selected users to autologin to your WordPress website via autologin links.