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Classy Blocks

开发者 webheadllc
更新时间 2019年6月12日 10:19
PHP版本: 5.0.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


theme class blocks gutenberg custom styles


0.1 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.2 0.2.1


This plugin provides a user friendly way to add custom classes to blocks. Through the fields created with this plugin users can have a UI to add classes to the Advanced CSS field. Make it easier for your editor so they don't have to remember all the class names or can't remember if the padding on their last block was 20px or 25px. Uniform styles like padding, colors, and fonts are a must when adding new content to a website. These styles shouldn't be set on an individual block basis and shouldn't require the user to remember the names of classes. Use this plugin to create labels for classes and list them for the user to pick from. Add fields to blocks using the user-friendly UI and see them appear in the Inspector when editing blocks. Unfortunately any block without an "Additional CSS" field is currently not supported.


  • Create your field with your class names.
  • See your classes.
  • Select your classes and see them applied.


0.2.1 Fixed PHP warnings. 0.2 Added block types for a field group. 0.1.2 Fixed error in PHP 5.3. 0.1.1 Fixed some permission issues for adding blocks on certain installs. 0.1 Initial release.