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Snazzy Maps
Apply styles to your Google Maps with the official Snazzy Maps WordPress plugin.
Plugin Name
Finds and allows late-loading and removal of the scripts and styles enqueued on your website.
BNS Add Style
Adds an enqueued custom stylesheet to the active theme.
Block Styles
Change the way styles for blocks get loaded, optimize your site's performance and sustainability!
Bootstrap Press offers Twitter Bootstrap styles with WordPress Shortcodes. It makes adding styles (Tabs, Buttons, Grid...) pretty easy.
Classy Blocks
A user friendly way to add classes to your blocks
Clickity Classify
Automatically adds (and/or removes) custom CSS classes to DOM elements when certain elements are clicked. Makes JavaScript onclick and onclick-style events trivial.
Easy-to-use, ajax-powered plugin to edit summaries/lists of a group of posts and/or pages that you collect together in a 'book'.
CSS Theme Override
Adds a settings panel to the Wordpress admin that allows you to specify css class or id styles and pages/posts to apply them to.
Custom RTL CSS
Easily add Custom CSS to your RTL WordPress theme without file modification.
Crazy Pills
Build buttons, boxes, beautiful lists, and highlight text right from your editor, with live preview.
Dependency Minification
Automatically concatenates and minifies any scripts and stylesheets enqueued using the standard dependency system.
Deregister Contact Form 7
Description: Prevents the scripts and styling from the Contact Form 7 plugin from loading on your site.
Plugin Name
Disable selected plugin (and/or theme) styles and scripts. Set conditions which will be evaluated.
Debug Bar List Script & Style Dependencies
Debug Bar List Script & Style Dependencies is an add-on to WordPress Debug Bar
Easy Add Css
Add Custom CSS to your WordPress site without any hassles.
Extra Classes
Adds classes for selected menu states such as highlighting categories when viewing a blog post or parent page when viewing an attachment page.
Filterable Grid Gallery with Hover Caption
Animated Filterable Grid Galleries with Awesome Hover Effects Absolutely FREE!
HTML Editor Font Family Update
Adds new stylesheet to the admin interface to return to the font family used in 3.1 in the HTML editor.
Optimize Scripts & Styles
Optimize Scripts & Styles combines scripts and styles on your site, minifies them and provides cachable versions for improved site performance.