Linux 软件免费装


开发者 first10
更新时间 2013年11月20日 20:50
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.7.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


ssl https insecure content


0.1 0.1.1 0.1.2 0.1.2a 0.1.2b 0.1.2c 0.1.3 0.1.3a


If you serve part or all of your website over https then you'll likely have hit the scenario where the SSL certificate provides warnings about insecure content. This insecure content is usually the src of the files being called over http when the rest of the page is being called over https. We're now seeing certain browsers blocking these http calls from being executed as a default action which can lead to broken-ness. And no-one likes broken-ness! This plugin will make sure that if your site is being viewed via https that src attributes of content is served in a protocol agnostic manner. This means that all those files are now being served over https as well. So instead of you see // which means your browser will call foo.css over https and no warnings on the padlock. NOTE: Currently images that are set by css or js files are not fixed but we plan to fix this in a future release.


  1. Upload cleanSSL directory to your "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in the WordPress dashboard.
  3. Done


  • upgrade for latest bug fixes
  • Initial release.


0.1.3a 0.1.3 0.1.2c 0.1.2b 0.1.2a 0.1.2 0.1.1 0.1