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BREACH Avoider
Avoid to be easily the target of the HTTPS BREACH vulnerability.
WordPress SSL
Seamlessly map URLs to SSL if the site is accessed via SSL.
Easy SSL
One button click to activate SSL, easy. http to HTTPS is great for SEO!
Plugin Name
A simple plugin that allows you to identify which pages should have HTTPS enforced. All other pages will have HTTP enforced.
Get rid off SSL warnings about insecure content ( mainly images, stylesheets and javascript files) on pages served via https.
Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL)
The plugin allows an automatic redirection to the "HTTPS" version/URL of the site. Make your site SSL compatible easily.
Lucas String Replace
Change anything: Lucas String Replace takes the final output of WordPress and replaces the defined strings with another string
Supervisor is a powerful plugin designed to enhance both the performance and security of your WordPress installation.
HTTP to HTTPS link changer by Eyga.net
When WP is opened through HTTPS, all local absolute links in content are replaced from HTTP to HTTPS.
HSTS is HTTP Strict Transport Security, a means to enforce using SSL even if the user accesses the site through HTTP and not HTTPS.
Force Secure Site
OFF SSL with 1 click! Add an SSL certificate & Force Secure Siteto redirect site from HTTP to HTTPS.
Simple Redirects
Simple plugin that redirects requests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web.
Hostinger Tools
Http to https forced url by Facem Web
Une solution rapide pour supprimer le duplicate content g�n�r� par le passage en https. L'extension r��cris les URLs de http � https.
The easiest way to get the HTTP/HTTPS version of any URL.
SSL Mixed Content Fix
A fix for mixed content! This Plugin creates protocol relative urls by removing http + https from links. Works in Front- and Backend!
HTTPS Domain Alias
Enable your site to have a different domains for HTTP and HTTPS.
HTTPS Image Fixer
Fixes insecure content messages that appear when loading images on an SSL secured website.
HTTPS oEmbed Providers
Fix for WordPress oEmbeds for various services which now provide https URLs, these aren't recognised by the WP 3.4.2 list of oEmbed providers.
HTTPS Social Migration
Migrate your Wordpress site from HTTP to HTTPS with HTTPS Social Migration.