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Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL)

开发者 Tips and Tricks HQ
更新时间 2024年3月25日 16:14
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


secure redirection ssl https htaccess automatic redirection ssl certificate force ssl force https https redirection secure page


1.8 1.9.1 1.6 1.5


Only use this plugin if you have installed SSL certificate on your site and HTTPS is working correctly After you install SSL certificate on your site, you should use the "HTTPS" URL of your webpages. You want to force search engines to index your HTTPS version of the webpage(s). This plugin will help you automatically setup a redirection to the https version of an URL when anyone tries to access the non-https version. Lets say for example, you want to use HTTPS URL for the following page on your site: This plugin will enforce that so if anyone uses an URL like the following in the browser's address bar: It will automatically redirect to the following HTTPS version of the page: So you are always forcing the visitor to view the HTTPS version of the page or site in question. You can force your entire domain to be auto redirected to the HTTPS URL or selectively choose a few pages to be re-directed. Video Tutorials Force Load Static Files Using HTTPS If you started using SSL from day 1 of your site then all your static files are already embedded using HTTPS URL. You have no issue there. However, if you have an existing website where you have a lot of static files that are embedded in your posts and pages using NON-HTTPS URL then you will need to change those. Otherwise, the browser will show an SSL warning to your visitors. This plugin has an option that will allow you to force load those static files using HTTPS URL dynamically. This will help you make the webpage fully compatible with SSL. Features View more details on the HTTPS Redirection plugin page.


  1. Upload https-redirection folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Plugin settings are located in 'Settings', 'HTTPS Redirection'.




How will the plugin work with the existing .htaccess file?

If the file exists, the plugin will update existing .htaccess file.

What should I do if the .htaccess file does not exist?

The plugin will store the settings in the database and add all the necessary conditions to the settings of WordPress automatically.

What should I do if after making changes in the .htaccess file with the help of the plugin my site stops working?

The.htaccess is located in the site root. With your FTP program or via Сpanel go to the site root, open the .htaccess file and delete the necessary strings manually. Please make use of the following information:

How to use the other language files with the HTTPS Redirection?

Here is an example for German language files.

  1. In order to use another language for WordPress it is necessary to set the WP version to the required language and in configuration wp file - wp-config.php in the line define('WPLANG', ''); write define('WPLANG', 'de_DE');. If everything is done properly the admin panel will be in German.
  2. Make sure that there are files de_DE.po and in the plugin (the folder languages in the root of the plugin).
  3. If there are no such files it will be necessary to copy other files from this folder (for example, for Russian or Italian language) and rename them (you should write de_DE instead of ru_RU in the both files).
  4. The files are edited with the help of the program Poedit - - please load this program, install it, open the file with the help of this program (the required language file) and for each line in English you should write translation in German.
  5. If everything has been done properly all the lines will be in German in the admin panel and on frontend.


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