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WooCommerce Ajax Search

开发者 codja
更新时间 2017年12月28日 23:41
PHP版本: 7 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9.1
版权: GPL2
版权网址: 版权信息


cj shop woocommerce search e-commerce themes woocommerce search ajax search custom search relevant search autocomplete autosuggest instant search category search better search typeahead suggest premium products product search search highlight woocommerce advanced search woocommerce live search WooCommerce Plugin woocommerce product search Live Search Predictive Search search product woocommerce search by tag woocommerce search filter wordpress ecommerce woocommerce search by sku woocommerce search results woocommerce search shortcode woocommerce search page woocommerce search form woocommerce search products woocommerce search content woocommerce search autocomplete woocommerce search category woocommerce search product attributes woocommerce search by brand woocommerce predictive woocommerce single product search woocommerce site search woocommerce search tex tajax codja highlight terms codeja



The plugin offers you to add a WooCommerce ajax search functionality for any existing field or create a new field using our shortcode. On user input, the plugin will start searching for relevant results through your WooCommerce website. As well as the default settings, the WooCommerce ajax search plugin has many more options that will allow you to customize it in the way you\'d like. The plugin supports RTL and LTR websites.


Important: First of all, you have to download and activate WooCommerce plugin, because without it WooCommerce Ajax Search cannot work. Unzip the downloaded .zip file in your plugins folder and activate it.


  • Input search
  • Input search - added to cart
  • Admin options


1.0.0 Released