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Plugin Name
Autocompletion functionality for WordPress search input when Relevanssi plugin is installed.
AutoComplete For TinyMCE
AutoComplete For TinyMCE enables word autocompletion for the Wordpress Post Editor. Use it to type Faster and Error-Free.
Awesome Instant Search
Awesome Instant Search integrate Instant Search to ANY wordpress website.
FB - Events In City
Display Facebook local events and things happening in your city right on your blog.
Autocomplete Wizard
Woocommerce Ajax Search
This plugin adds UK address postcode lookup functionality to the address forms on the front-end in WooCommerce.
WooCommerce Ajax Search
The plugin offers you to add a WooCommerce ajax search functionality for any existing field or create a new field using our shortcode.
Search Autocomplete by Dotcomjungle
A customizable search widget that autocompletes the titles of products, blog posts, events, or anything else you choose.
Company Autocomplete by LEI Register
Company search autocomplete for WooCommerce using LEI data from GLEIF. Provided by LEI Register.
DCO Address Field for Contact Form 7
Adds a autocomplete suggestion address field for Contact Form 7
Contact Form 7 City Field Extension
Just another plugin for Contact Form 7. A wonderful city field!
Emoji Autocomplete Gutenberg
Instant search for your WordPress site. Search as you type, synonyms, typo fix, content promotions, analytics and other advanced search features.
Lorem Ipsum Autocompleter
Quickly insert lorem ipsum dummy text or placeholder images via autocompletion in the block editor.
Events In City
Display events and things happening in your city right on your website.
Authors Autocomplete Meta Box
Replaces the default WordPress Author dropdown with a meta box that allows you to select the author via Autocomplete.
i-Search - Advanced Live Search
Live search suggestions for all post types. Search everywhere, include almost everything in the search. WooCommerce compatible.
Instant Suggest
Suggests SEO content and keywords for your blog instantly.
Autocomplete Order Status for WooCommerce – By HappyDevs
Autocomplete Order Status - Set WooCommerce Order Status to 'Completed' instantly and streamline WooCommerce Orders management.