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Content No Cache: prevent specific content from being cached

开发者 giuse
更新时间 2022年11月3日 03:18
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


cache dynamic content issues


0.0.2 0.0.4 0.0.6 0.0.7 0.0.1 0.0.3 0.0.5


Normally, if a web page is served by the cache, its content will be always the same until the cache is deleted. By adding the content with the shortcode provided by Content No Cache, you will be able to show dynamic content even on pages served by cache. You don’t need this plugin to exclude the entire page from the cache. This plugin is to exclude a part of the page from the cache. It's useful if you need to cache a page, but part of that page should not be cached. Imagine you have a page that has this content: Hello this is some text. Another line of text Another line of text Current day: Monday if that page is served by cache, the user will always see: Hello this is some text. Another line of text Another line of text Current day: Monday If you need that the last line of text is always updated, this plugin will help you. The entire page will be served by the cache, but the plugin will get the updated content that you need.


0.0.7 *Added: integration with Divi Builder 0.0.6 Fix: conflict with All In One SEO Fix: conflict with plugins that don't load shortcodes during ajax requests. Need to set the parameter request="remote" if having issues with the shortcodes 0.0.5 *Fix: malfunction if two or more elements are added to the same page 0.0.4 *Fix: PHP warning 0.0.3 *Added: integration with Freesoul Deactivate Plugins. It's possible now to disable specific plugins whilte getting the content. 0.0.2 *Fix: semicolon after content 0.0.1 *Initial release